Posted by on Jun 12, 2016 | 8 comments


Think about this. I would love to hear what you think.

Okay, this is political, not for long, but I just have to say that when a certain unnamed Republican nominee has been cited for 70 lies in one speech (fact-checkers, news checkers, money checkers, tax checkers, donation to charity checkers and more), one wonders why the American people are standing for this.

Just an aside: The not-named Republican came from an IMMIGRANT family.  This, from Newsmax:

 Trump’s grandparents anglicized their name from Drumpf. His grandfather Friedrich and grandmother Elisabeth were born in Germany and emigrated to the United States. Their son Fred Trump married Donald Trump’s mother Mary Ann MacLeod, who was born in Scotland and met Donald Trump’s father during a vacation trip to New York.

So you see, voters, Mr. T. is the son of immigrants.

What I would like to see is every single undocumented immigrant in this county walking out of his/her job for one day.  ONE DAY.

Our country would collapse.  And if every single immigrant walked out, we would have NO country at all.  Just food for thought.

Now, back to more pleasant things.  I really am sorry for getting into all this political stuff instead of commenting on the beautiful things in life like kitties and gardens and good cooking and nip and lizards and, well, you know the good things, don’t you?

It just sort of whacks me upside the muzzle when I see the American voters being hoodwinked into believing downright, absolutely proven lies and I am hoping that when the time comes to decide the future of YOUR/OUR country, you will think very seriously about what is going on.  Personally, I think we will ALL look back on this debacle, this sideshow, this circus, this incredible wool-over-the-eyes event in American history and groan.

Ah, well, the dahlias are blooming and the little tomatoes are forming and the roses are fed and about to burst out again and I have been fed and am dreaming of peace and good will.  What better antidote to insanity can there be?


Yes, we had a fire in the Place. It is still COLD, even after hot tiles.