Posted by on Mar 8, 2016 | 8 comments


Inspired by Alexandra’s blog about litter, I have to share this with you.

Now I want you to know that I do not know these guys nor have they had the pleasure of knowing me, but here is what I think of Cat’s Best litter product for a kitty’s toilette.

After you have used Cat’s Best flushable, odourless, lightweight cat litter, you will never use anything else. The pee and poo ball up, taking a bit of litter with them and you simply removed the balls with a scooper once or twice a day or whenever you see them., and flush them down your john.

Mama taught me how to use the john with this litter. Use a plastic bowl that fits the inside of your john, fill it halfway with Cat’s Best, put down the open seat, then show your kitty the toilet seat and where he/she can stand and scratch with front paws the litter in the bowl to get it ready for pee or poo.


Shucks…it wasn’t that hard to learn to use the john (let’s say, it varies with each kitty).

It’s the most wonderful cat litter I have ever used and I have used ALL of them. If you wish to throw it out periodically (mama doesn’t do this ofen because it’s never dirty!) you may put it in the garden with no risk.

I love my litter and mama loves traveling with me with only a plastic bowl to put in almost any toilette anywhere and I can use any bathroom without the mess of a cat box.

That said, on some days, but rarely, I throw litter out of my bowl an onto the bathroom floor, but mama just sweeps it up and puts it back in my plastic “toilet” bowl so there is very little waste.


This is NOT me…mama doesn’t like to take photos of me when I am being private.  So I borrowed this one that sort of looks like me.  Imagine a plastic bowl just under the seat, and you will see what the process is.

The bag you see here is 4.3 kilos, or about 9.5 pounds, which lasts us over a month. With multiple kitties and a cat box, you will use much, much less litter as there is no waste, no smell and everything balls up for easy cleaning.

A saying borrowed from the net:

“In 9 lifetimes, you’ll never know as much about your cat as your cat knows about you. ”- Michel de Montaigne

Ain’t that the truth! And your kitty may be able to be toilet-trained with a plastic bowl.  Hey, it’s half way to being completely trained, no?


DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! Clearly this kitty was a bit confused…