Posted by on Apr 1, 2014 | 0 comments

Well, yesterday, mama and papa met.  Sort of.  They actualy met many years ago but yesterday was the date of that auspicious meeting (love that word! ‘auspicious’, not ‘meeting’…duh) and they toasted one another and gazed into one another’s eyes and said, “Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy, was that a day.”

I listen to anthros and sometimes I think that they’re not aware of how much effort goes into a long relationship, especially when opposites (in this case!) have attracted.  For example, that Sushi and that Luna, those bums who used to be mama’s and papa’s kitties were totally unlike me— laughing, lilting, lovable Loulou.  And mama and papa had to adjust to my personality and my quirkiness and we expect to have a very long relationship, we three.  It’s the same with couples.  Even if they have a very sound basis—similar backgrounds, values, ethics, money-handling—there are myriad other differences that must be confronted and managed so that both anthros feel theyhave been ‘seen’ and listened to and that whatever solution to whatever problem arises was a contribution from both.

Not easy, believe you me!  Mama and papa come at a problem from completely different directions but they almost always seem to meet in the middle and agree on how to proceed.  Sounds complicated to me.

But I guess it works here.  They sure seem to have a lot of fun (when not in computer hell!) and mama is always saying, “It feels just like yesterday that I met papa, Loulou. He is what makes my world go round.”

Well, I’m sure they’re going to be saying that about me, too, in a few more years.


Who could resist…? Okay, okay, there are one or two…