Posted by on Nov 5, 2019 | 17 comments


Well, mama is reading a book by Ann Patchett about Ann’s friend, Lucy Grealy, who, along with being an amazing person and brilliant author, knew how to talk to and tame frightened animals.

She soothed a very scared kitty who hid in the darkest corners of a friend’s house at first, but after Lucy’s magic hands began patting and rubbing her (the kitty, not the friend),  she was permanently attached to Lucy, draping herself around Lucy’s neck like a scarf.

I wonder what it is that some anthros have that make us kitties move towards them as if they were magnets (whatever that is).  My kittysitter and my aunt Lynne and mama’s sister-in-law and her partner and auntie Annabel and a neighbor, Maryline and aunt Lilly all have something that I cannot resist.

They walk in the door and I’m THERE, exposing my tummy and stepping up the purrs.

Even my vet rubs me the right way!










Then again, some weirdo came to dinner the other night and meowed at me like a madman and it was just lucky for him that he was doing that just as he was LEAVING…we don’t tease around here, anthros or animals.

It’s lucky he escaped with all four paws, haha.

But being adored can wear one  out…