Posted by on Feb 20, 2023 | 16 comments

And the rain makes my grass grow!

Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet. Bob Dylan

Well, I liked this one because even when it’s raining here, I am fascinated by whatever it is coming down and making things shiny, and it smells really good and the flowers grow and things get cleaned up and so on…

I’m just saying that every moment, even rainy ones, are so precious and my body can feel whatever is in that moment unless my brain wants to shut it off, which also happens when a moment is not so…fresh-smelling, haha, but better to let my little body absorb that smelly pleasure.

But lately, moments have seemed to speed up, so I’m living and breathing every one that I can and if some are rainy, then at least I my garden water bowl will be FULL!

And my nip REALLY loves rain!


Word of the day

Petrichor: the smell that comes after a soft rain….