Posted by on Jul 20, 2013 | 4 comments


I am not honoring Mother’s Day, that  thing anthros do to celebrate having a mama, which is fine in itself because I know that my mama loved her mama dearly and misses her every day, or at least tells me so and I listen, but today is mama’s day in other ways. As in being born.

And if I didn’t have a mama, I would miss having one alot, but fortunately, today is the day that made this particular  mama what she is today—a living, breathing, female anthro being and if today had not happened, oh, boy, where would I be? The same goes for that day in April when papa came into existence because without him, along with mama, I would not be making my little motor sounds next to them on the couch, watching reruns of the Roma soccer team or CNN news of the day after having had a really good dish of whatever it was.

So, mama, I’m glad you were born, for my sake.

And I know you’re glad I was born, little snuggly, purring ball of wonder that I am—who wouldn’t be?

Happy cake day and leave-a-bit-of-gelato-in-the-bottom-of-the-dish-day….