Posted by on May 25, 2023 | 18 comments

State of merci.

Well, thanks for sun, sun, and sun for mama and papa’s next few days in Roma, even though I DID smirk about their rainy days…served them right!

And so many mercis for sweet comments about my…er…situation and thanks for 50th anniversaries and no seizures at Sawyer’s house, and for pilots’ training on effective planes (even if we are against war completely, but this madman must be stopped…), and thanks for Thankful Thursday hops and thanks for joyful little children instead of sulking, annoying brats, haha, who pull kittys’ tails or scream in restaurants, and thanks for friends everywhere who keep in touch as best they can, and I think I have to stop here because there is just not enough room for mercis sometimes…

Oh, and merci for not too many days left unti THEY deign to shuffle in the door as if NOTHING has happened! Jeez, Louise, who ARE these anthros?

Is Italian nip better than mine? We’ll see, I hope.