It’s Sunday again and off they go—to market, to market to buy a fat hen—well, at least the product of a fat hen, which are sold throughout our little market on Wednesdays and Sundays. Today being Sunday, they won’t be back until lunchtime because the anthros meet out along the sea and chat and hear the latest gossip and watch the boats sail by and take the sun for their daily vitamin D dose, which is why so many elderly people in this little ville are fit as fiddles and walk and bicycle everywhere and live to be ancient!
Two old friends who will definitely see 100…empty glasses help!
At least the local people say that about our little street. “Everyone has lived to be over 100 on your street” a neighbor told mama a few weeks ago. But what with the cement mixer going next door for a new house being built and what with the train track being repaired at MIDNIGHT until FIVE in the morning not far from our windows, I’m wondering about that 100-year-old stint!
Well, I might reach it, but mama and papa shut the shutters and pray for quiet lately. When I looked out there and saw that equipment they are using on the tracks, I thought we were being invaded by Martians! A huge egg-shaped whatever it was was lit up like a flying saucer and rumbling like that woo-woo boat they take me on when the engines start up. I went straight for the bed and pulled up the covers.
I’m not goin’ out there, no way, Jose!
But back to market day. Mama always sees her friends and the fruit and vegetable sellers and says hello to people she doesn’t see during the week and then everyone goes out by the sea and does that sun thing. Today it was too windy so they sat along the stone bench against a wall and watched the promenade of tourists who are here for the vacances scolaires, the school vacation that happens a gazillion times during the year in France.
Lucky kids.
In kitty school, there are no vacations! One has to be on the ball ALL the time and learn tricks and more tricks to outwit these anthros who are always trying to sneak less food in your bowl—things like that. But I must say, I’m pretty svelte lately, thanks to the kibble cut back and when that nice kitty-sitter comes soon while mama and papa go off to wherever it is they go, I just know she’ll succumb to my charms and share her poached poisson with me, not to mention a good spoon of yogurt every now and then. Heh, heh…
But I’m off the market subject AGAIN. The flowers, the fresh vegetables, the eggs, the cheeses, even the cute doggies everywhere are really reasons to high-tail it over there on a lovely Sun-day and drink in the riches of this region. And, of course, the little nice fish lady is bound to send back a tidbit for you know who…
Make that ‘whom’…
Note hidden kitty on left…designers just can’t resist putting us on their wares!