Posted by on Aug 24, 2014 | 4 comments


Would I make a good mas-kitty?

Maybe I should have called this Mass-dogs, as you will discover…

Well, I certainly have heard of animals who are adopted by groups of people during hardship, or any other time one’s heart and soul is not complete without a kitty (or doggy, okay, okay).  Animals bring such solace to their adopted anthros–just look at mama and papa and how happy their lives have become, even more so than before, because of ME, Loulou.

My auntie in the USA sent mama this website of kitties who were so much a part of soldiers’ lives in World War I, and I wanted to pass this on so that everyone would understand just how active some of us have been in history!

(Well, not me, not yet, but I hope to heck I’m NOT in a war; even so, I praise these brave kitties who brought happiness to so many suffering men and women.)

And with all due respect to doggies everywhere, I am including this truly funny link to a video of…well…you’ll see just how silly some dogs can be, but I think they were actually having fun, not being dumb.  I never said that doggies are dumb–I have known some really sharp canines in my life (the dogs, not the teeth, thank heaven!)–but sometimes when you see what we animals do for entertainment, you start thinking that maybe we do those things just to get a laugh out of our (sometimes morose) anthro mamas and papas. So along with brave kitties and all the sad memories of a ridiculous war, you can have a bit of humor to lighten things up.

Thanks to Jan’s Funny Farm, where I saw this video–Jan and her family are ALWAYS putting the most wonderful videos on their site to liven up our mornings. MERCI to Merci and all the gang.  I’ll bet all of them could pack themselves into something and put it on a video, too.
