Posted by on Sep 15, 2021 | 16 comments


Well, as you can see, mama is into cartoons lately.  A friend sent her several really funny cartoons and now we’re deep into that world, mainly because laughing is one of the things we have to do more of lately!  And mama is always sending those meerkats and prairie dogs on birthday cards from Blue Mountain to friends.  Sort of like her soft spot for HAMSTERS, grrrr…

But, hey, if we can get a nice giggle out of anyone out there, then the giggler has made our day, haha.

Anthros who chuckle together, buckle together, or something like that.  Chuckle up? Buckle up? Chuckle down? Buckle down?

Whatever works.  We still have a long road to travel and it’s so good to have companions on the trek.

Bon courage!  Little by little the jabs are happening, just not fast enough.  But I think we’ll get there, don’t you?