Posted by on Mar 24, 2025 | 18 comments

Mama forgot to do our Saturday sizzling selfie stuff….whatever…this ought to work….


And our monday spark is this:

Anyone who thinks he/she/it/they is/are too small to make a difference has never met a honeybee…

And even though it is cold here and the chilly winds are strong, mama has big black bumble bee pollenators at work on her flowering broad beans! They are so busy and make such a lovely hummmm noise….they should be called Hummmblebees!

And the eventual broad beans!!! Sometime in May/June…we hope. Thank you, little bees!


Trump’s latest wreckage on climate change. YOUR climate change, which is happening everywhere and acknowledged by ALL countries’ researchers, including the USA, but T says there is no climate change…

Trump’s latest bullying of a United States female governor who is standing up to him, and a report on how he is not helping women’s rights in any area, along with his weekly wrecking of our democracy.