Posted by on Feb 11, 2021 | 16 comments








Okay, female kitties, listen up.

I am starting a new movement because I became aware TODAY (took a while) that our front teeth are called canines and you know what THAT means.  They are named after DOGGIES and should be renamed something like “critter” teeth to include all animals, great and small.  What think you?

And if “they”can be used for “his” (which is fair but not grammatically correct, oh, well) then perhaps we can get this “critter” teeth thing across and accepted.

And how about “Tom” for male kitties of our species?  Do WE have a name, we female felines that applies to our sex?  Do people say, “Hey, here comes a Cathy cat?  Or a Carla cat? Or (not so great at all, let’s not choose this one) Cornelia cat?

Ladies, we need a name!  How about Kitty cat for now, generic and appropriate, as I am SURE that a TOM cat does not respond happily at all  to “Here, kitty, kitty” but instead waits for the proper “Here, Tom, Tom Tom.”

Maybe I’m overthinking this.

Oui, I think so…

Well, it had a ring to it, #Mewtoo, non?

After all, we Kitties  are the stronger sex, right?  Eveyone knows that.  No offense to my CANINE or TOM friends…

Maybe for female doggies there should be a #Myatoo movement, HA HA!







So what do you think, girl doggies?