Posted by on Jul 9, 2014 | 4 comments


First of all, what a great name for a kitty.  I like Loulou, but Milly Moo?  Well, I have to let you in on the wonderful story of a little boy’s anxiety (–adorable-family-cat-walks-three-year-old-boy-to-and-from-school-to-help-ease-his-anxiety-095705793.html#HQ4NfIw) and his adorable kitty, Milly Moo, who bonded to him even in the womb (his mama says).  She used to put her little paw on his mama’s tummy before he was born and when he was found to have anxiety problems about school and being around people (there are MANY people like that and it is found to be genetic–sometimes I feel that way myself when a bunch of people descend on this house!), Milly Moo started walking him to school and he relaxed and went happily.

I just love stories about kitties who can do such lovely things for the families who take care of them.  I just wish I could help mama in the garden more often.  I’ve noticed that where I do my…er…besoins, in French and, let’s just call a spade a spade, doo-doo, in English, okay, okay, poo-poo…anyway, where I do my thing, there is mama’s favourite rose bush, Sweet Love and do you know that this morning I noticed a LONG, LONG stemmed rose jutting up from the bush and mama said, “Loulou, what on earth is that thing growing a foot taller than the other rose bushes?”  And I myowed, “Well, I’m just helping in the garden, mama.”  And so I was, evidently.

And I wish I could help papa pay bills and such and do some computering for him so that he could take a nap or read a book or just contemplate the wondrous thoughts that dance through his mind but I haven’t quite mastered the programs he uses and so I know I would botch it and put the right things in the wrong place and so on.  So I just kind of wander up into his aerie every now and then and loll on his extra chair and send out good mathematical and organizational vibes and hope they reach his desk.

Every now and then, too, he looks over at me and says, “Loulou, thank you SO much for purring over there in your chair and gazing at me with those limpid green eyes” and then I hear him shout, “EUREKA!” and I know I have given him a tiny push toward solving some really complicated cerebral problem that has been bothering him for days, and then I feel fulfilled in my role as the Milly Moo of our house.

We could CERTAINLY be related:
