Posted by on Sep 21, 2015 | 6 comments


Does this look like ME, to you?

Oh, boy, are we in trouble around here. The other day, mama took off her black excercise tights and tossed them on the bed and damned if papa didn’t turn to them and say, Hi, Loulou, how’re you doin’? And that’s not all. The other evening, mama called to her black purse on the stairs to come get its dinner! Can you believe these anthros?


What? Those are green and yellow EARS?

Do your anthros mistake you for a dark watering can under the roses or a throw pillow or something half-hidden in the closet? It is so funny, I just sit around and laugh my little muzzle off when they do this. And don’t tell me it’s age or dementia or anything like that because they’ve been doing this for years!

The funny thing is that papa was actually getting kibble ready in my dish for mama’s PANTS!

I think we have a problem here.

That amazing and wonderful Mr. Sacks, who unfortunately passed away recently, would have had a ball with this development, but I’m glad he didn’t have to contend with the (near-sighted?) anthros around this house. The worst one is mama’s faux pas in the winter when she tried to put my new breakaway identity collar on her fur hat…

Oh, boy, the things I have to put up with.


Does this look like a PURSE to YOU?