Posted by on Nov 9, 2020 | 18 comments










Well, not really madness, but so much going on that I just turned my back on everyone and chowed down.

Mama had to write an article and papa was splitting wood with his new log-splitter, which sounds like small bombs going off, and then there was a delivery and then my aunty Lynne came to pick up something and leave something nice and mama was happy to have a live human from the neighborhood to talk with and then more squishy ripe fruit fell onto  the terrace and had to be dealt with and mama already  has 15 small jars of arbouse jam and no room for more and then the washing had to spin and then mama’s sisinlaw called and they laughed a lot and by then it was time to start dinner and it was just too much for me to handle.

Besides, I think I forgot something in my bowl. T

That needed serious attention!