Posted by on Nov 21, 2022 | 18 comments

I barely escaped those…whatever they ares!

Well, those donks paid a visit to mama to pick up her artichoke leavings and stems and they almost came RIGHT IN HER ATELIER!

Where I was resting!!! I high-tailed it out of there, you can bet your booties!


So then mama starts FEEDING THEM…jeez, purée!

But mama says that her Monday spark was three sweet donks and a mule asking for carrots!

Isn’t this a face muzzle that sparks sweetness?

They really are just too darned cute and they feel good too, mama says. I’m not touching ANY OF THOSE CREATURES!

UH, OH…the neighbor’s flower bed….

Mama ran over to give him a lecture (while Pompinette, the mule was checking out mama’s nasturtirm seedings…). That donk KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING but played dumb! Then he saw mama and trotted off as if he hadn’t munched on a few of the neighbor’s flowers weeds.

Whadda ya gonna do? mama asked. They are just so darn cute!