Posted by on Aug 19, 2024 | 18 comments

Well, because our fireworks for St Vincent’s celebration this year were set off in an area of the sea that is closer to our part of the village, we discovered that we could see a good part of them from our upper deck!

WHO KNEW? But it really was because the Maire (mayor) changed the position of the fireworks on our bay, setting them off closer to our side of the village, the Faubourg. Such a treat to see them and not have to stand in a crowd of hundreds (!) watching for 30 minutes!

Well, whew, it’s over today!

Have a magnificent Monday, which is what mama and papa are going to try to do.

And I guess our spark for today is this:

You never know what’s going to surprise you when you explore new places! Look around and be tickled!


(Haha, mama can’t see me, but I’m watching her snap a pic of our garden and I’m in there, too, hidden in the plants…what fun!)