Posted by on Oct 5, 2021 | 22 comments










Contemplating a change in behavior, influenced by James Bond on TV and Aunty Sue.

Well, I feel a bit guilty…Aunty Lynne and Aunty Sue have been sending pics of me to mama so that she can weep into her morning caffé, and I am thinking that I really should be dusting a few hairs off papa’s sofa cushion or cleaning up that inadvertent TINY drool mark on mama’s pillow, but somehow the little devil within me just can’t quite get up the moral fiber to do any of those things.

Don’t you think I am owed (don’t like the word ‘entitled’, haha) just a teensy bit more mischiefmaking to clear the air (even the score) around my ABANDONMENT?

Don’t answer that.

I am fully aware that my conscientious kitty friends out there are Paragons of Virtue and will only encourage me to help with housework or weed mama’s garden.  But thanks for the thought.

This is an existential problem to which I shall have to give much thought…

So what do YOU think, tummy rubber?  Give this up and start to reform instead?