Posted by on Sep 18, 2017 | 17 comments


No, it was not I who fell.  Alas, it was mama.

Yes, the time has come to say that mama has only done this once, long ago, in Hawaii, jogging around the park in Honolulu, and bammo, flat on the left cheek but thanks to the quick thinking young man who was running the Coca Cola stand during a festival in the park and who was right next to mama’s tumble, she never bruised–a bag of ice was produced tout de suite and mama hobbled back to papa’s mama’s apartment and recovered overnight.  Thank you Coca Cola guy!  And ice is best after the fall, that’s for sure. (Maybe in a glass of scotch later, mama says, haha.)

But when mama’s rolling market caddy caught on a stair leading up to an outdoor café where mama was meeting some friends, the bammo was way more than Hawaii…a woman later came over to mama and said, “I heard your head hit the schist(a stone in France used for everything)! Are you all right?”  Well, mama hoped so.

At that point mama was headed homeward to get an ice pack, fast!  As it turned out, mama and papa were having a registered nurse for lunch and she looked at mama’s temple and said to put Arnica on it immediately (after the ice had been there for an hour off and on) and I’m right here looking at mama’s head and there does not seem to be anything amiss.  Skinned knee, yes, sore finger in one hand put out to stop the fall, but I can tell you that mama is feeling like this is not something she wants in her dossier at this age…if you get my drift.


This is just how mama hit, but on the other side.


A facsimile of mama with shopping caddy about to go bammo on the SCHISTE!

Poor mama.  I think she’s headed for a hot bath right now and needless to say, I do NOT wish to accompany her but I might just hang around the tub and try to give solace to her in one way or another.  Maybe myow a bit for my dinner.  They say that to take one’s attention off of aches and pains is the best healing process.  So here goes.  CHIRP, CHIRP, MYOW, MYOW! I spell it that way because it seems more onomatopoeia-tical, whatever that means.

Not sure she wants to get up out of the hot water to feed me. Hmmmm….wonder why this didn’t work.  PAPA, PAPA!
