Posted by on May 8, 2019 | 12 comments








Is this an arabesque or a paw de deux?

Well, by accident, mama and papa watched this 3-year old on You Tube this morning after Mya’s mama sent a website on which doggies sing!

Mya’s mama sends fun videos to see when we wake up so that we’ll laugh first before we read all the bad news, haha, and along with the doggies there was another video of this amazing prodigy.

I know, I know, this has nothing to do with mama’s and papa’s date last night, but in a way, it IS musical, and the singing puppies were actually better than last night’s dance program at Rome’s opera house.

BUT, mama loved just being there, and frankly, her description of the little salmon thingy she ate before the show was all I cared about, haha.

So here’s the rundown:  Blanche Neige (Snow White) was danced for 1 hour and 57 minutes (!) WITH NO INTERMISSION and mama found out later that papa was about to jump out of his seat and make an exit, but papa was so polite, he stayed put.  Mama says the best part of the whole production was the costumes of the wicked witch and Snow White by a guy called Gautier.

And mama told me that the seven dwarfs were the tallest dancers she’s ever seen, haha.

I think maybe it needs a re-write…er…re-choreograph, whatever that is.

Still, a date is a date and delightful, even if it’s to hold hands in a park or have a gelato down the street.

Now THAT’S my idea of a real date.

Mama, I hope you order THREE!

Make mine vanilla, okay?