(There is so much I don’t know…these fill-ins are tough!)
Well, mama can’t help me right now BECAUSE SHE IS STILL NOT HERE!!! I will muddle through…
1. Every October, I __uh, what’s October?
2. If I were going to a costume party, I would go as __a meowing penguin, haha.
3. __The Day Kibble Disappeared From The Earth is my favorite scary story.
4. I would __(uh, what’s a zombie) if there were a zombie apocalypse. Are there zombie kitties?
Well, I sort of botched those, right?
I’m out of focus without you and papa!

Why is my blog in the arlingtondailyinfo.com???????? I can’t find where to contact them to ask them!
MOL..looks like that missing focus keeps you moving, LouLou

Double Pawkissies from us to you

Well, I’ll be more focused when THEY are back!!!
You would be the cutest penguin ever!
Ha ha, it would be fun for a brief period but I’m not sure I could walk that way for too long…
You’d make a great penguin wannabe, LouLou!
I loved how you did those fill ins, LOL!
Well, not all anthro info is available to me, haha.
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Sorry these fill-ins were not very cat friendly. I like the meowing penguin.
Oh, all of your fill-ins are fun, Ms E! We had a good time.
Ya done good on your own Loulou!
I just wish I knew some of the things I don’t know..haha. Merci.
“The Day the Kibble Disappeared” was a good one LouLou. Hope it is a fiction story !
ME, TOO. I just hope I haven’t given anyone ideas for a book, haha.
A meowing penguin…hahaha!
Hey, you never know what those tuxie-birds are up to.