Posted by on Apr 6, 2016 | 12 comments


Wow, mama went off the deep end the other day, as you can plainly see. She just can’t resist having someone take her photo next to a cool motorcycle. Not that she wouldn’t jump on it herself if she only knew how to drive it!


Is she nuts?

But guess who’d be on the back in a little basket? One guess.

NO, NO not papa! Whadaya nuts? He’d probably be driving it and mama on the back, maybe with a sissy bar or whatever those things are they put on the back for the passengers to sit and lean back on, and then there would be me, in my Loulou basket, the wind rippling my fur and we’d all be off for a trek through hill and dale, whatever those are.

Long, long ago, mama actually had a motorcycle friend and she actually did ride on the back a couple of times. She says it’s really exciting, but it’s hard for me to imagine my place on a sissy bar.  And I’m not wearing any dumb outfit like this:


or this:


Still, one can dream, right?

Mama does, every time she passes a snazzy Harley…

Personally, I’d be happy if they just pulled me around in a little kitty wagon.



I could even have a chauffeur!