Posted by on Sep 18, 2014 | 3 comments


NICE doggy. THIS is why I went on strike!!! IS THAT MY PHOTO??? ONE GUESS.

Well, I guess you’ve been wondering just where I have been and why and what the heck is going on with my daily observations, but I have to confess that it was NONE of my doing and I’m blaming it all on the Roma, mama and papa’s favourite soccer team.

Actually they really did nothing at all except to be.

Thank heaven for that, because this year, they have a PLETHORA (love that word) of brilliant players and I’m keeping my eye on all those new kids (I mean, they are young!) whilst adoring and lauding the older ones–Totti, in particular, who will be retiring in a few short years–who are the backbone of the amazing Roma team.

I digress.

So papa found a way to watch the Roma, which was not being received easily by our TV and then I started to write and guess what?  The page was BLANK.

My other excuse was that mama and papa took a little toodle up the coast to have a breather (not from me, of course) and learn some things at a conference and they were only gone one night but in a kitty’s life that is ETERNITY.  And so I went on strike, even if they did leave me with Ms. Marvel-With-Kitties and she petted me and crooned to me the whole time, but I just couldn’t get a word out.

Mama and papa were in Nice.  Isn’t that nice, haha?  English must drive foreigners batty.

And Nice is nice and WARM all year long, according to our friends who live there (who WEREN’T there, darn), and the people are laid back and the food is good and it’s close to Italy and it’s only a 5-hour jaunt and so here I was, on strike with a blank page anyway, even if I WANTED to write something.

So, sorry for the delay.  I’m up and running.

Well, not exactly running…


Yes, that’s my foot in my mouth, haha.

Have to do one’s toilette.  Then I’ll write…