Posted by on Jul 28, 2018 | 8 comments


Well, I hope I didn’t throw you a bum steer, whatever that is.  It’s probably pretty heavy so I wouldn’t be doing it anyway.  But mama and papa sat up on a deck we have and spent about two hours waiting for the red moon and both of them (I SAW this, they are so bad) went to snoozeville and suddenly mama awoke and woke up papa with “RED MOOD, RED MOON”, and so I looked out, too, and all of us saw that little sucker for about 2 seconds!

I think we had pollution.

Whatever that is.

BUT, later in the evening, mama awoke and looked out and there was a lovely eclipse going on with about one-quarter of the moon showing and the rest dark, dark and mysterious, sort of like this one that was free on the internet.  Barely visible.


Then she woke up again and old Mr. Moon was back to himself, normal and yellow and full, as he looks here in a shot from last week as he came up.


I guess we have to wait another few years for the next one, no?

Meanwhile, I’ll just gaze at this nice one for a few more nights, but I rather be watching birdies on my IPad….
