Posted by on Aug 21, 2024 | 12 comments

Now you see me, now you don’t, haha.

Mama’s first tomato!! Hallelujah…planted a bit late…

Lots of basil for pesto and more…

Japanese shiso for sushi and salads…grows like weeds!

Our biskie, a hibiscus for mama’s birthday last year from her stepkids.

A golden zucchine snuggled in among its leaves until a bit older…

Coriander/cilantro, which mama is addicted to for guacamole and cilantro pesto and so many other dishes…and last but so important, my mama’s roses, which are not holding up that well in this heat but still, a nice little bunch here.

As for me, I’m resting today, with my garden as the subject so there will be just garden pics and a photo of mama taken by papa in front of some famous wings in the window of a hotel in Rome. They simulate wax, like the wings of  Icarus. But, thank heaven, the window is air conditioned, haha…

Gazllions of tourists have taken pictures here! And mama said she loved it but it doesn’t show her cloven hooves!