Posted by on Dec 17, 2013 | 0 comments


Well, mama and papa took the photo above yesterday, well yesternight, out on the Corso here in Roma.  The lights are so beautiful that even I felt the spirit and I’m not one for all these holidays with so many presents and all the commercial hype and selling things that no one needs—such as all the stuff in doggy/kitty stores that everyone thinks we need to see under the tree when all we want is the rat from Ikea stuffed with fresh catnip. In our house, sitting by the rosemary tree is what I want—it’s covered with BIRDS.


Haha, just kidding. They are all fake and made of metal and wood and feathers (well, I might take a pop at those) and besides, I’m not a bird killer, unlike other kitties.  But the tree reminds me of my garden, which is wrapped in winter and waiting for spring, like me.

Christmas to me certainly comes alive when the lights in this city get plugged in. But do you really want to see some lights? Just click on this website and it will blow your circuits: q=strasbourg+at+christmas&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=dBmuUojCFeevygOj8oLgAw&sqi=2&ved=0CCsQsAQ&biw=1552&bih=725

I hope these photos get you in the holiday spirit. I’m just lucky that mama doesn’t insist I dress in a Santa suit or elf hat and that they pretty much leave me to my own ruminating on the meaning of holidays and the end of the year. I guess you could call me a Christmas curmudgeon.

Make that purrmudgeon, haha…


BAH, humbug…