(THEY ae going to see a Picasso museum because we couldn’t leave when planned, yesterday, but I sort of like the subject matter, no?)
So, no change of plan after all because there was a soccer match that papa wanted to see between Italy and Ireland and frankly, we could have left yesterday because it was a BUST! Probably the most awful game mama and papa have ever seen, so they say. But what do I know. I love Totti from the Roma and I love Messi because he is little and fast like me and I love El Shaarawy who is just the most lovely player to watch (and I watch almost every game at home) but I never got into the soccer thing or organized a team, even though I had the ball ready to go. Below you will see that I just kicked a goal, and with a team of one that is NOT easy!
Wow you dids goods at soccor… you musta scored a goal, cause I can’t sees da ball!
Katie Mom am supposed to be related to Picasso… likes a distant cousin or sumpin… oh and her related to da guy who invented da Duncan yoyo too.
Purrz, Katie Kitty Too
Wow, mama loved yoyos and did Walk The Kitty and Round the World and all those moves, whatever they are. And related to Picasso, double wow!
Oh Gees, no wonder I thought was a great piece of art! I did not recognize it as a Picasso and thought it was one of Mama’s renderings … you see, LouLou? how much I think of your Mama’s artistic talents?
Oh, boy, was mama happy about that! Thanks from here, but no, that was not her stuff. Her stuff is on our Loulou website under ART if you have nothing else to do one day, or on http://www.suzannedunaway.com too. Xxx from us
You are quite the soccer player LouLou. Be careful on the field, you are the same colors as the ball 🙂
OH, Ellen, that was the funniest comment –I laughed and laugh and yes, I AM the same color as the ball. But now in the Champion’s League the balls are pink and green or some weird combination so they won’t kick ME.