Posted by on Nov 15, 2015 | 12 comments


Mama, papa, and I are in shock. The world is in shock. Who ARE these animals?

How does one stop them?

How does one give them education and hope from birth so that they do not follow jihadist teachings and wish to die in the name of their religion and to find treasures in heaven through murder?

Our hearts are with the French people now and always.  Our hearts are with the survivors and their families, with the dead and their families and friends, with all of France and the European community, with all of the world and with the poor, uneducated Middle Eastern and other youth who have no recourse but to follow evil, self-serving teachers and  learn to kill and maim and die, our hearts are as heavy as they ever have been.

Muslims everywhere who worship the real tenets of Islam must find a way to reach the radicals within their religion who are destroying it for so many.

Perhaps, as papa feels, this hysterical movement will run its course, as all hysterical movements in the past have done. But it seems this is different.  I hope it is not.
