Posted by on Aug 1, 2016 | 8 comments

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OUR GARDEN, and we are not there to see it, sigh. But a nice friend took these for me and emailed them to my crazy blogging self. THANK YOU, LYNNE.

OH, BOY, now I’m cookin’.

I’ve just downloaded (uploaded?) a new app that can transfer pics from my IPhone to my IPad automatically so that when I take a pic on the phone, which I do all the time in my wanderings and also because MAMA DROPPED THE REAL CAMERA and it is in rehab, I can send those to my IPad in seconds.

Well, not seconds. Uh, a few minutes.  Uh, make that more than a few minutes.  Well I can do it while I’m napping…there, that’s the solution…and you know how long THAT takes.  The nap, I mean.

Anyway, it’s a great app and we’ll see if I can bombard you with photos soon that only existed on the IPhone, especially since I travel and don’t always have my computer, haha.  I think they are almost ready so here goes.













YAY! IT WORKED. My life is changed, hallelujah. But, exhausting….as you can see.