Are you ready? Did someone say PIE?
3.14159265358979793238462643383279502…and so on and so forth…
Since today is National Pi Day, I thought I would put a few of the numbers in, but this number actually goes on for eternity, whatever that is, and frankly, I don’t have the time right now…
Happy National Pi Day…I, personally, would celebrate with Lemon Meringue, Apple or Chocolate Texas Pecan!
We would like our pi with a little whipped cream, please.
I knew you guys would want the BEST!
THAT is a beautiful PIE!!!! Well, we went out for our LAST restaurant meal yesterday for a while since France is now in Stage 3. Meaning all but supermarkets, pharmacies and service stations are CLOSED! I will have to suffer with Mama’s cooking! And they’re saying no get togethers with family and friends! This is Mama says is like The Twilight Zone. We’re too young to remember that one – but it must have been scary!! Well, at least we’ll have Pi.
Well, around here we’re already used to this sort of like a practice run, but it’s weird, that’s for sure. NO gatherings, no social events, no guests from anywhere at home or this awful virus will NOT be curbed. Spain had added 1500 cases overnight. Stay calm and put. We kitties know how to do this better than anthros…
Dang, I sure didn’t get any pi today…or pie!
Well, I could send some, but not sure of the arrival state!
Ooooo – Texas Chocolate Pecan sounds best for these troubled times !
Mama will send you a recipe.
I want pie now!
Well, maybe an Eskimo Pi might suffice.