(THIS is probably what I’m going to look like tomorrow! Arggggh…)
Well, for some reason today, amidst all of the new computer happenings, we lost our internet and I am doing my blog on my IPad, which may not work EITHER, but at least I’m giving it a shot, whatever that means.
Normally it means some vet lady is sticking me with a pointy thing, but today, I did NOT have to accompany mama and papa to the vet lady as THEY were having a “consutation”about how to make travel more acceptable to me.
So they are going to give me a little pill tomorrow morn (I overheard all this and will disappear forthwith just after breakfast, haha) to see how I fare with it in my tiny body. It is not dangerous, just debilitating, I heard…whatever that means.
NAME: Calmivet
Which, if you ask me, means “calm down the vet!” Maybe ALL of THEM should pop one, too. I’m not sure I’m taking ANYTHING…they’ll have to catch me first, haha. And they’ll NEVER find me here…
Oh gosh, LouLou ! I hope they can find something that really works so you can ALL travel comfortably !
Yes, well, I think they have hit upon the Beaphar-between-the-ears solution. Mama came up to me this morning and rubbed it in, and I was…er…tranquil all day. Sort of fun, really.
uh oh, I must have missed something, have to find out why you are taking meds.
I’m only taking ANYTHING for brief travel, as I tend to get carsick and ships don’t thrill me either. But Beaphar is working, so no one is too worried.
Have your pawrents tried taking you for short car trips? Some animals are less stressed when they know they (1) aren’t going to the vet and (2) will be out of the car “shortly”. I realize 3 weeks isn’t a long time, but perhaps they can consider the short trips later.
Yes, Terri, thank you, we are going on a short trip tomorrow to the poissonerie!!!! FISH MARKET! That may change my mind about a lot of things, haha.
Loulou, pity you landed in such a family. Always on the road (and the sea). Bad pick.
Well, it may seem like that but we travel TWICE a year. Only to Italy once and back in fall and Italy once and back in Spring. That’s IT. THEY like staying in one place for a goodly amount of time and I actually like both places but it’s the getting there that’s tough, 24 hours of ship.
Oh, Loulou – Hope. The trip goes well. Maybe one day you’ll get used to travel, even though it may neve be fun. Darn. We go for a LONG walk around the coast today to Boccadassa, the old fishing village. They’d better take the poussette!!!! Tomorrow travel day? I eel your pain……
Oh, for a poussette with a Xanax cocktail beforehand, haha. They are trying beaphar drops between my ears. Very safe but maybe not so effective. I am a totally calm kitty but in thke car…arggggh.
MOL Oh LouLou…we think you’re absolutely right. They should all have to take one too. After all what’s good fur kitty ought to be good fur all. We sure hope you do okay. Big hugs
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Hey, mama’s ready to take anything that solves this dilemna, haha
Good job hiding.
We don’t leave for 3 weeks but they are trying out things so I’ll be safe when we DO go.
Have a safe trip, Loulou. Well, all of you, actually.
Not leaving for 3 weeks. Just trying out calming potions to keep me cool for 24 hours.