Posted by on Jun 5, 2021 | 6 comments













(Maybe pigeon poop would be more manageable…)

To be sung to “These Are A Few of My (least) Favorite Things”

Gulls who poop sideways are driving me crazy

Do they have bad aim or are they just lazy?

I wash my windows after they have flown

I’m thinking of giving them a window of their own…la la la

When the bird poops, when the splat hits, when I’ve just cleaned it off,

They come back dive bombing but turned on their sides, and I want to reach out for my Gull Molotov….

I’ll tolerate this until they can fly better

I’ve sent them instructions in a bird-language letter

But one more event like these from those poop sinners

And Loulou will gladly roast them for her dinners!

Well, as you can see, mama has gone right over the edge, making up songs like this (one of her favorite things) about all sorts of WEIRD happenings.

Personally, I feel these seagulls are pretty versatile and talented to be able to hit their window mark so accurately, haha.

Oops, mama heard that and has other ideas, I’d better beat it!