Posted by on Feb 27, 2019 | 10 comments







You forgot WHAT?

Well, mama is not really quite that du…er…off her rocker, but she just discovered several comments on MY blog that she did not TELL me about and so I’ve just approved them and responded as best I could even if they are out of date!

You know, posting is such fun but sometimes I type too fast.  So many readers give me great ideas for a quick blog and it’s hard to keep up.  And then again (does this happen to you?), there are days when my little pea brain is BLANK.  I like to chat about nice things in the world, or funny things, or the trials and travails I suffer when SOMEONE around here thinks I’m too roly-poly, whatever THAT means!

But now bulbs are popping out and the air is so lovely and clean and wild asparagus are sticking up in our own back yard, thus saving mama the ordeal of trying to find it in the woods.  Especially since there are two Master Asparagus Finders in this little village and THEY pillage the plants before anyone can say Jack Robinson, whoever he is.

BUT…spring has sprung, I think.  Crossed paws.  This means that the “fat” that THEY think I have acquired during winter will disappear overnight.  Everyone except mama and papa know full well that it is my winter COAT they disapprove of.  Okay, okay, of which they disapprove.

A couple of good brushes and I’ll be down to my fighting weight!







Papa says I “coulda been a contenda” (Marlon Brando in On The Waterfront).