Posted by on Jun 25, 2014 | 4 comments


I can’t really see the tube from this angle…I think I’ll move.

Well, it’s a bit sad around here–Italy is out of the World Cup so I guess these anthros are rooting for the USA and France now.  At least they have two choices, just in case…

I love watching all of them, so I’m happy pretty much of the time, but it would be nice to see the USA do something.  After all, my step-half-brother-and-sister are one half American and that’s as good a reason as any.

In fact they are going to be showing up here any day now to pet me and cuddle me and ooh and ahh over me, so my summer is just about to begin!

Right now, however, I have to go console mama and papa and besides, it’s that time and there is no OLIVE OIL on my food yet.  Not allowed around here.  I myowed once and bammo, olive oil it is.  But around here, you don’t have to make a lot of noise to get something done.  Mama says you catch more kibble with honey than you do with vinegar, whatever that means, so I keep it down when I’m vocal.

More tomorrow on what les bleus (the Blues) did tonight against Ecuador.  There ought to be a crowd so I can’t go as it would be too distracting from the game, so I’m camped out here on the couch and I’ll turn on the tube around 21h when the match starts.  I have my chips and a cold beer and I’m ready….just kidding.

FORZA, FRANCIA!!  Allez, bleus!

Well, for an update–at the half, 0-0. Ecuador is pretty good, as it turns out.  But as papa says, in soccer, there are more surprises and upsets than in any other game.  We’ll see….
