Posted by on Nov 11, 2020 | 20 comments


Noises behind this rock…

Well, we are having a strange little problem in our house.

Something smells.  Maybe a dead thingy.

We don’t know where.  Mama fed her plants on our rock with fish fertilizer and that we can  rule out, but behind the rock, there is scuttling sometimes…in mama’s office.  So maybe something is living there, or not living there, as the case may be, haha.

Then it was upstairs, the smell, maybe coming through the heating system.

But the system is closed and that doesn’t make sense.

Yet every now and then we walk through a room and bammo, stinky-poo.

The smell WAS under the tub where the pipes are in a bathroom and now that’s disappeared.

We are thinking it may be the weather, the humidity, an expired something or other somewhere, on the roof, under the house (there is a crawl space but you’re not getting me to go there, no way, Jose).  The last (very small) workman who went under there through a trap door in the kitchen came back reporting that wires had been eaten by rodents, whatever they are!  But I’m not going there even for furry little creatures with big ears and twitching whiskers.

Hey, mama could possibly fit down that opening to look around under ther….UH OH, SHE’S COMING AT ME WITH A BROOM…. I’M OUTA HERE.

(Just kidding.  I’m not sure mama would come back if she went under there…)

Until then, I’ll just borrow the clothespin mama uses to seal my food packs and find a couple for mama and papa, too, and hope it dissipates, whatever that means.  Sniff,  sniff…I may be onto something….to be cont’d.