Posted by on May 8, 2023 | 14 comments


Hey, is this Larry really a friend of the KING? Wow.

Well, today, with a new king stepping up to the plate, amidst a bit of wariness from his subjects about what he will do in his new job, I think we have to tell the story of a kitty who should never have been underestimated. And if you need a job done with, say, rats or rodents, it is always wise to hire a kitty, such as Larry the Downing Street kitty.

(More on kitties and rodents next week,..)

Maybe today’s spark might be that you never know what anyone is capable of when facing a difficult and perhaps insurmountable situation. We have all heard stories about anthros who have lifted cars off of injured pedestrians or moved some amazingly huge object to save a tiny animal or child…you just never know.

Having faith in a positive outcome is a good start for solving a problem.

And when Larry was hired, he also stood up to the plate…er…rat.

Sending good will to King Charles (and no rats in his palace) on this special day. You never know what someone might be capable of.Free photo : King Charles.

Carry on, King Charles. We loved your coronation!! Mama had never seen one and she was entranced by the lovely six horses pulling your (air-conditioned!) carriage….what a life.

His reign may not be decades but he loves art and music, has many charities and projects for the needy and Queen Camilla works against the persecution of minorities and more.

I loved the horses, too….I thought at first they were pale blue! But mama didn’t know I had watched the procession or she could have clued me in…of course they weren’t blue, duh.

But it was an exhausting procession…how all of those anthros WALKED it is beyong me.