Posted by on Feb 27, 2014 | 2 comments

Demonstrators rally in Phoenix on Wednesdav to pressure Jan Brewer to veto the anti-gay rights bill.

(With thanks to The Guardian for this wonderful photo)

Not a bad idea, or at least removing from the state the bigoted, fearful Arizonians who felt that business owners had the right to discriminate against gays in their shops and who were about to vote for a Senate Bill that  “would have given business owners with ‘sincerely held’ religious beliefs the legal right to refuse service to anyone if it would conflict with those beliefs.” (From The Guardian article by Tom Dart.)

Are we in 2014 or the middle ages?  Who are these people?

Thank heaven the governor said she would veto the Bill.  And this decision came just after “a federal judge (in Texas) voided the state’s ban on gay marriage, saying it did not comply with the US constitution and demeaned the dignity of gay people.”


Hallejujah!! In Texas, no less.  Mama is from there and although there is much about that state that she has admired from infancy on, she is NOT in agreement with the death penalty and the attitude toward the gay community.  It was really refreshing to read over her shoulder that a federal judge had the courage of his convictions to void the ban.

I just hope it didn’t take too much time for Governor Jan Brewer to make her decision to veto.  I suppose one could say that the outcome is more important than the time an issue is debated, but really, I don’t see why there should be any debate at all.

When there is no longer any need to create or debate laws that compromise, abuse or judge an individual’s choice of lifestyle, then we will have widened the roads leading to truly civilized societies.

At times I am so, so glad not to BE an anthro, with all of their prejudices against or for and their judgements on one another, all of which waste so much time that could be spent enhancing their lives in so many other ways.  And I wish that religion was not, yet again, at the heart of this Senate Bill in Arizona.

Isn’t there something about keeping politics and religion separate in the many tomes written about our United States of America?  United?

Not really, not yet, but when that day comes, this kitty will be the first one to myow “hurrah”.
