Posted by on Nov 8, 2014 | 1 comment


After a long trip (!), one always takes a BATH!

Well, I am a miss after all–certainly not a MISTER!

And I just want to say that after that ordeal by fire, haha, I’m ready to rock and roll with the punches, whatever that means, which is to say that I’m sort of proud of myself for sitting in my travel venue (read cage!) for EIGHT hours as papa drove through 156 tunnels– count ’em–and I did not need ONE pit stop nor did I myow one time.

So there.

But it is practically impossible to write on my IPad from a CAGE!
Hence my hiatus extenuatus (my Latin) from stories I have to tell you. Which are numerous but have to wait ONE more day.

Patience, dear blog readers, all three of you (haha), and tomorrow I shall resume my travel tails (not a typo) with renewed vigor!
Right now my vigor is only in one eye, which is slowly closing…
