Posted by on Jun 18, 2013 | 0 comments




Well, mama and papa had a couple of heavy days–a great big (well, big, to me) party for their anthro friends’ friends and boy, were they cute!!! They tickled me under the chin and told me stories about Eartha Kitty, THEIR kitty (some time ago) and then about another kitty who liked to be draped around her owner’s (that’s Morris) neck when he drove and she’d peer out the windows from her comfortable position and people would look in the car and think she was a fur neckpiece!

I’m not cool enough for that…yet. I’d love to drape myself around mama’s neck but if I get startled, uh, oh…jugular, move out of the way.

So I’m taking a rest after this wedding. It was traumatic for me–Papillon, flower-dog, TULLE suit, people in and out of the house being raucous and noisy and joyful, but I’m just wasted.

Or maybe it was that roll in the ‘nip earlier.

Anyway, I have stories to tell so keep reading…my little paws are just about to hit the keys for tomorrow.

Right now, I HAVE to see Game of Thrones, the last episodes, even if that guy with the eye makeup is no longer in it….

But the little man still is…and he likes kitties even more than Mascara Man.