Posted by on Apr 24, 2023 | 20 comments


I’ll have to show my kitty sitter where I sleep. I think she has knees, too.

My spark for the day is from Dr Seuss on travel:

Oh, the things you can find if you don’t stay behind.

Well, they are almost off, but we have always known that, haha.

Let’s hope they come back a little more ON.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I am lolling on THEIR bed, under THEIR duvet, and I might even try on some of mama’s shoes and go out on the town, haha.

What is interesting to me is that there is a little black and white cutie-pie Tuxie boy up the street and he comes around sometimes outside the garden fence and sort of sidles around trying to look cute.

Too young for me, hélas, but pretty dishy, I have to admit.

Cutie pie, non?

Hmm…a little too svelt for my taste…

What was that? Was that our car leaving?

I”ll just settle here under THEIR duvet…

or chill out on my own duvet and RELAX! Travel prep is so exhausting.

And as for the spark – we’ll see about THAT, heh heh.

And another spark from mama’s friend, Jane Curry, who writes books for young adults. That’s me.

Love this: