Posted by on Jul 8, 2016 | 10 comments


Well, mama took this without even ASKING me if I wanted it in my blog instead of a photo of ME to start things off, but here it is and it does sort of start of another little camera tour we took among the sweet scenes of this glorious city.  Actually, I took the tour among mama’s photos, because she is busy doing other things right now, at least today, and so I’m flipping through our Adobe to see if I can put together another little tour of this amazing place.


Uh, oh, she’s at it again, probably went coochie coo with these foreign bodies!


Now we’re talkin’.  Mama was surely not going to cuddle this one, plus he’s a feral Tom and likes his privacy, not petting.


Here’s mama’s sweet lady at the open market who has the world’s best nectarines. Even I gave a sniff to them at lunch. Then a lick! Sweet, sweet.


Speaking of which….I love gelato, but am not allowed much.  Phooey!  She WOULD take this to torment me.


And this is our bakery nearby.  Mama loves the sign on the right that says, “Ugly but delicious” and they ARE.  So many things are, no?


Lovely weird eggplants, melanzane, whatever they are…


A young lady in blue gloves trimming green beans—tender as butter and right off the vine, the beans, not the gloves.


Every doorway has a treasure to discover.  Somehow I think that’s not a soccer ball.


And yet another beautiful doorway through an arch on the street.

But now, YOURS TRULY, deep into the String Game.  I do it to relax after putting together these pics for you.



AHA. Found and conquered!

A finale to Friday.