Posted by on Jun 25, 2022 | 26 comments


Well, my Freestyle 2 reader that reads my little button installed on my shoulder conked out.  The reader, not my shoulder…

I was in the car and at the vet all evening so that those emergency anthros could read my button, which turned out to be an okay number, but papa is scrambling all over the place to find a new Freestyle 2 reader. Evidently they conk out often, arggggh. You’d think they would warn a kitty, right? And they are NOT cheap!

On a happier note, we FINALLY got home and I am NOT moving again.

I came, I ate, I sacked out. My credo for tonight.

Oh, yes and I was jabbed, but that’s another story.

Here’s mama’s new painting.

Weird, if you ask me, but no one did…