Posted by on Oct 2, 2019 | 12 comments







No, not sand, SANDWICH.  That’s a play on words that mama and papa use sometimes when they fool around with the word “sandwich”.  As in are we having a picnic on the sand-which-is-there…aww, forget it.  In-jokes are so boring.

Meanwhile, mama reads lots of books by southern writers who mention tomato sandwiches and so was inspired to actually bring home some whole wheat sliced bread on which to make this famous comfort food.

Hey, it’s not brain surgery — I think it’s just sliced tomatoes on bread spread with mayo, right?  Maybe cut in nice little triangles?

Uh…the only problem, mama, is that you have just picked a gazillion teensy cherry tomatoes and I know for sure that you’re not going to slice each one in perfect slices in order to place them on your sandwich!








Maybe I could rustle up some tiny tomato elves who are experts at slicing 1/2-inch diameter tomatoes, haha.

HEY, I’VE GOT IT:  Use that mallet with which you smush up my dinner sometimes and just whack the devil out of those babies right on the bread!  Sort of a tomato paté, haha.  Then just add the mayo and other slice and voila!

Hmmm…if Mya or other tomato-eating canines had been here we wouldn’t HAVE this problem…








Zzzzzz….no more sous-chefing for me…