Posted by on Aug 31, 2024 | 16 comments

Okay, okay I’ll float in on little cat feet to help mama but I’m outta here after I nudge her brain about boats…

Well, the Americas Cup is on…but today, alas, the USA boat, American Magic, lost to Luna Rossa, the Italian boat. We still have a chance against the UK but mama hasn’t seen that one yet and I’m ansy to get back into the garden to help tie up the tomatoes in this strong wind.

What a BEEOUTIFUL boat is American Magic!

But…the race is on but not over. These boats look like water bugs, a,a says! They never touch water except for their ‘wings’ and American Magic was designed with Italians, which is why it looks to mama like the sleekest of all the entries.

It has so many advantages, design-wise, but it had better get faster if it wants to stay in the round robin and go to the final.

Just thought you might be interested in a boat that’s not a boat but a bug, haha.

Mama remember watching water bugs skim over the water in ponds and puddles. One of the miracles to watch in childhood…

By the way, great eggplant recipes from commenters, merci. Mama is off to make one now…with charred eggplant for starters.