Oh, mama, is it that donkey obsession again?
Well, you know how mama feels about donks, n’ est-ce pas? I don’t mind really but jeez, Louise, does it never end?
This is an old advertisement for beer, but mama kept it because it makes her happy from time to time, and boy, are we looking for things like THAT! Hope it makes you smile, too.
We are so sad for donkeys’ reputation, now that we have an ass in government…
HEY, we didn’t vote for him, okay?
“In place of Republican town halls, Democrats are holding their own packed events in Republican districts. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) are on a “Fighting Oligarchy” tour across the country because, as Sanders says, people are “profoundly disgusted with what is going on here in Washington, D.C.”
Today, 11,000 people turned out to hear Sanders and AOC in Republican-led Greeley, Colorado. Another 34,000 turned out in Denver.”
From today’s Heather Cox Richardson
Donkeys and burros always make me smile. I do not believe in totem animals, but if I did, the miniature donkey would be mine.
ME, TOO, mama says. We love our donks so much…well, they are not ours but belong to a young man in our village and the village feeds them occationaly and pets them.
You don’t have to avert your eyes.Loulou, those donlkey’s your Mama likes are sweet!
Well, I even saw them once when they visited our house with thier owner and tried to walk into mama’s atelier because she had artichoke stems and leaves for them in a bag on a table! They are so sweet and live with a mule, too, named Pompinette.
Ha Ha ! Love the donkeys. XO
Glad you smiled.
Donkeys are so very cool!
Brian’s Home
Oui and mama loves donkeys and they love artichoke leaves and mama love artichokes so she saves the leaves for the donks. They go bonkers.
Well, don’t forget the political party that uses a donkey as its symbol. Though elephants are wonderful intelligent animals too, As usual it is us humans that drag helpless animals into unhappy positions.
SO true and yes, donks and the GOP sometimes have something in common which is to simply do nothing and be fairly benign about life while elephants never forget! If only the Dems would act, too! At least the governor of Maine is speaking out.
We love donkeys, sweet Angel LouLou, and we love you too
Double Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday to you and your mommy too

It is very mutual, you two darlings.
always love us some Bernie!!! hey, izza Edgar rice burro and Donkey Hodie!!!! the donkeys purrtect dee goats from wolves
We iz laffinfg an laffing at Donkey Hodie an EDGAR rice burro!!!!! LOVE that, mercy buckup.