Posted by on Jan 6, 2024 | 12 comments

It was a dream! (Lunapic’s Dream FX)

Well, I was bowled over when asked to be a sous with chef Teddy and THANK YOU, merci, Mr T, for allowing me to wear a chef”s hat next to you. You might say it’s a toque-en of my appreciation that I comment upon your handsomeness whenever possible, even if I’m a bit …uh…mature for your youthful companionship.

It was great fun playing the pots and pans with you.

I think mama may have goofed on that 1-pound pasta amount, but what the heck, there might be some leftovers for breakfast, haha. ENJOY!

Bacon ROCKS! Inspired by your blog, Teds, we had bacon and tomato pasta for lunch today as it is COLD, COLD here in our little ville.

Mama also made Kings Cakes, galettes des rois, which are eaten on Epiphany, but mama made individual small ones to give away and she put a bean in each one, called the “feve” as they used to us dry fava beans for the prize in the cake. But we changed things a bit by telling the recipients that the little gateau WITHOUT the bean would win a prize.

Papa’s had a bean inside – you could tell by his teeth marks in that little sucker, so no prize, but since we have TWO for him, he wins anyway.

Mama likes to shakes things up, haha, and our 95-year-old neighbor, Lilly, called to say that she had NO bean! So she is queen for today and gets a prize, too.

I hope she’s not expecting a Ferarri or something…she was so excited that we’ll have to think up something wonderful for her.

Maybe a few macarons, which she loves.

Epiphany is pretty big around here, and in Rome, all our family and some friends are playing tombola, or Bingo. So, happy Epiphany to all and merci to Chef Ted. It’s a good night for carbonara, 7 degrees! Centigrade, that is.