Except only one of these ferals is fairly skittly, the lovely orange and back sweetie. Mama feels so bad for a kitty who is fearful as it is obvious someone or something scared him or her very badly.
A friend of mama’s suggested that she put some Bach drops in her food to calm her down but mama isn’t sure those are good for kitties. If anyone has suggestions, please share!
Still, I have no trouble kicking back and stretching and having a nice Sunday snooze in my clouds. I wish all kitties could do that!
I hope love and time and people doing good for the kitty help it get over the fright. Love can work wonders, you know.
Oui, a scared kitty is so heart-bending…someone or something has scarded it and it doesn’t know how to handle it.
Bach Rescue remedy is one of the best things. We keep it on hand for Dalton…and he did well when at the doggy hotel for 8 nights.
Oh, Dalton, what a sweet family you have to do that. Mama will try again on the tortoise shell kitty. She thinks it may be working today.
The neighborhood ferals (and others who need a snack!) are so lucky that your community supports them – it makes our hearts happy to know that.
Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam
Well, they love it too, haha. Mama now goes in the morning so she doesn’t have to walk after dark, and they love their little houses.
Such sweet outdoor kitties, glad you’re looking out for them. Loulou, you look marvelous today!
Awwww….shucks….merci Ms Leah and they are really sweethearts.
The Bach remedy drops are okay for kitties. There is a pet version that doesn’t contain alcohol, though the human version would probably be okay because the amount of alcohol in it is minimal. I used Bach Remedy with my cats, though it really didn’t seem to make a big difference.
Merci for your truthful report…mama doesn’t see any effect either, not even on herself, haha.
What a gorgeous cluster of kitties, Loulou. Calm-Eze works well for stressed out animals.
Well, that’s very interesting and maybe these kitties just aren’t that stresse…maybe only the orange one but she is coming around bit by bit. Mama will keep giving her a little to help her skittlyness.
I have never tried the drops. I wish all these sweet kitties had a home. XO
Oh, me, too, but the neighbors are so so attentive to them. These kitties, well, one of them, actually walks into a neighbor’s house and looks aroundm, then leaves.
Rescue Remedy works for cats. There is nothing strong or unnatural in them. I have used it on our cats.
MERCI, mama will try that at the next feeding time.
Loulou those “wild” kitties are beautiful. Bless your Mama and all the others who care for them. Glad the tortie knows which hand feeds her!
I’m pretty sure I left a comment yesterday and the internet ate it I guess, so probably not the only one. Just letting you know.
Mama is puzzlied as she gets all comments. Maybe it was MAMA who deleted it by accident…uh, oh. Thank you for alerting her.
Yes, it just takes time but I’m glad they get to enjoy good foods and attention.
Brian’s Home
And they really are so, so sweet.
You can give Bach remedies to effurry kind of animal. We get them too, when we need them. The only thing is that when you give a Bach remedy based on alcohol, you have to put a few drops of water on top of them. Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞
Ps Rescue Remedy for animals is without alcohol 😉 Granny has more than 30 years experience with Bach Remedies and is a graduated Bach specialist😺😺
WONDERFUL INFO!!!! Thank you, dear Granny, for your expertise. Mama is getting the drops for kitties and she’ll put in the water if she uses the ones she has now but no alcohol is mentioned on the bottle so it’s okay, we think.
Nice job of floating, Angel Loulou!
Feral cats don’t understand humans, so they are scared and distrustful.
Even our Henry, living with us for a few months now, hides and jumps when a hand is moved too fast or a noise happens.
Hopefully, the skitty kitty will see that the other cat is calm around humans.
Well, this skitty kitty is already rubbing on mama’s hand…the feeding hand, haha.
They have a version for pets you might want to try.
WOW, merci, mama will look for it. Thank you.
You look so beautiful up there in your fluffy cloud, LouLou!
Donc, it’s pretty comfy up here, I have to say, and no cold weather!
With patience, and TLC, I am sure that dear stray will come to trust you. Even if they stay shy, the food you give is needed for them and such good karma.
Stay well, Loulou, and enjoy a floaty Sunny Sunday!
Well, they are rubbing their little heads on mama’s hands now but if she makes a funny move, the orangy black one skittle. Still…progress….