Wait a minute. Is that a word?
Probably not but we all know how hard it is to find descriptions of blogs on whatever weekday we are in, right?
So I am “selfing” with this, hoping to capture the longing I have for mama and papa to come back in this direction!
Selfing sounds purrfect to us, LouLou
More Pawkisses for now

Merci, you two cutie pies!
You’re quite twisty, Loulou. Is that a word??
Oh, yes, I do twist about a lot when sleeping. Not so often nowaways as I …er…mature…
Awww that’s such a cute pic of you, Loulou. Your mama and papa will be back soon when they see it.
Yes, I put that in as a tempty baits…a phrase used in papa’s childhood by his mama. Isn’t it nice? Just fun to say! Tempty baits, tempty baits, say that fast!
Hope your Mama and Papa will be ready to make up for being absent for those belly rubs SOON Loulou. It’s great you have a wonderful carer while they are gone BUT there’s nothing quite like a Mama/Papa belly rub!
Hugs, Teddy
Well, it gets a bit long in the tummy, that trip to see g-kids. And who are they anyway in the scheme of things? They are not KITTIES!
I think it’s wonderful they can visit the g-kids and they know you are in loving hands while they are gone but there’s no “loving hands” like the ones of your Mom and Dad. Hopefully soon they’ll return and maybe bring you a surprise?????
Love, Teddy
As long as it’s not another kitty, haha.
It’s an I’m longing for you; I’m selfing for you; I’m pining for you; I need you now kind of selfie, that you’re selfing, LouLou. Love that new word!
So glad for the new word and that you like it and yes, it was a little “come back, come back” if you want the truth.
I would love to snorgle that tummy. You are so darn cute. XO
OH, a snorgle, Ms E and from YOU. WOWSER!
Our server is wobbling a bit at the moment BUT Dash Kitten can be reached with some browsers like Chrome. (Just in case you can’t reach us). As you know last week was a struggle but we are back to commenting this week.
Hmm ‘Selfing” it does sound like a new word we can all get behind!
And are we glad or what that things are settling down at your house and that your kitty is better! Merci about ‘selfing’…I reach for how to describe doing a selfie and it just popped into my little pea brain!
We especially love the paw placement here LouLou.
Awww…merci, Ms Mary. It’s a comfortable position that I use often to snor…er…snooze.
We like coining new words, and we think we will add selfing to our vocabulary. You are looking exceptionally adorable today Loulou. Have an easy Sunday. Hope you get some belly rubs. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, angel Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh
Oh, I do get the belly rubs, but thanks for reminding my belly rubber! Glad to add a word to your vocab.
When I do that, mine Mommy starts singing “roly roly poly poly”! She says you look adorable …
Haha, is that “roly poly, daddy’s little fattie”? Can you imagine?
A most excellent new word, Loulou. I would think as soon as they see you selfing and longing in such a beguiling way, they’ll be right over, treats in hand.
Sigh….I wish THEY could come back right now, but I still have some rubs to get from my auntie.