I’m a little nervous after having read over mama’s shoulder in the IHT that Kim Jong Un is rattling his sabers yet again in North Korea with threats to test his long-range missiles and possibly use them if the US and China don’t get out of his pelt (hair, to you) and let him get his nuclear ducks in a row. Now I don’t understand all of what made him so ticked off in the first place, but mama was reading a really good article about these North Korean leaders and I peeked every now and then at this:
People think that kitties don’t pay attention to world politics, that all they want to do (a little like Simon’s Cat)is point to their little muzzles with a paw, which means “Feed me” and that then all they do is sleep and maybe sleep a bit more and then jump up when startled and then snooze again, but kitties actually think most of the day. It’s a kind of what a friend used to call “sleep yoga”–allowing the mind and body to become one in a transcendental state of perception and consciousness through total relaxation of all four paws plus tail. Okay, so this sounds like bulldog to you, but I, Loulou, think about these things very deeply and then I myow to mama and she translates my overviews on various subjects, such as this:
You’ll see in the article mentioned above that North Koreans have not actually starved since 2000, and this is certainly a step forward. As the author says, even having a computer in a private home is not a mark of wealth as it used to be, but I am wondering just how many North Koreans can actually see pictures of Seoul and its culture and the people of South Korea enjoying their freedom and their enhanced lives, their education system, the riches to which they have access and not wonder if there might be something a little off-kilter in the north?
I look at these photographs on the internet of North Korean leaders and frankly, (even though I have had to go through a little regime for my extra ounces/grams around the middle, which are now gone and I am one sleek feline!), I am wondering why they are all so FAT (sometimes called pejoratively, “fat cats” but that’s okay with me because it’s usually very descriptive)? If Kim Jong Un was, god forbid, my country’s so-called leader (read: dictator), I would be across that border so fast you wouldn’t even see my shadow! And I’d take all the kitties I could round up with me…and some basic ingredients for Korean cuisine, which I love.
But that guy is someone to watch, no doubt about it. And where are the kitties in those photographs of North Korea, I ask you?