Posted by on Nov 9, 2014 | 8 comments


Okay, I’m cool again! Stress level level, haha, and no need for calmant pipettes to smoothe me out for voyages. Here from my vantage point I am looking out on the lovely sunny streets of Roma, where people seem always to walk in twos or threes—very few single souls around, but I think it’s because the Italians are very social and love talking about allmost anything and love going out for a gelato or a caffé or simply love going out, period. The streets are very full on a weekend as many people come in from the periphery and shop—sales abound because the economy is so awful so mama really ought to be out there getting me some discount cat litter or something.

Not that I need it. Papa brings it with us from that other place out of terror that I won’t have any here or find the same thing that FLUSHES.

Enough of that.

Mama says that she just goes out walking, not intending to shop for anything, and that helps her actually find things. She has always been a hit and run shopper and one day she’ll see something, a scarf or a top or some shoes and not know why it seems so right but something in her grabs it for a good price and then weeks later, she’ll discover that it actually goes with something she stashed away without knowing why and it was something she actually WAS looking for but didn’t know it. Oh, boy.

Pretty hectic way to shop, no? But she doesn’t go looking for something and then when that something that she’s not looking for is found, she doesn’t try on everything that looks like it to be sure and it’s what she was not looking for in the first place but it is perfect and so she’s really happy to have found it.

I can’t imagine what Xmas is going to be like. Holy tamale.

But I think mama has already done her shopping for gifts and is pretty much sticking with hot pepper jelly and that knife sharpener from Marble Falls, Texas. One of the world’s great gifts. But whatever she decides to get for anyone, you can bet your boots she has no idea what it is yet…

On that one, I’m outta here and into dreamland…

And the reason you are seeing two of me is that my WORDPRESS keeps dropping off my computer so that I can’t put in another photo!!!!!
